We welcome Rev. Robin Gray to our pulpit this weekend.
There will be congregational lunch in the hall after the morning service. All welcome.
Prayer meeting – There will be a time of prayer at 5.20pm.
Communion services 2nd & 3rd March – The Rev Robin Gray will take services on Saturday at 7.30pm and Sunday at the normal times. Communion will be at the 11am service. Should anyone like to find out more about membership in the church please speak to one of the elders.
Our Praise Evening, Jesus is Alive, is set for 23rd March at 6pm. Lord willing, it will be a God-glorifying evening of worshipping Him in word and song. We welcome back Highland Harvest, New Song Women, the Highland Gospel Male Voice Choir, Shona MacDonald and our new guests, the Takavada Family from Zimbabwe – and of course Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual Songs lifted up from the whole congregation. We look forward to an edifying Gospel message from Rev. Rory Stott, speaking on our risen Lord. Invite a friend and stay for tea and treats afterwards. To God Be the Glory.
Community Groups – Community groups will meet this Wednesday, the 6th of March. The Countryside group will meet at Willie and Rona’s and the Town group will meet at the manse. If you are contemplating attending and are unsure of which group to attend, please speak to Rory. There are some study books available at the door on a first come first serve basis, otherwise some printouts are also available. The study series is called Christian Beliefs and Wednesday’s study is on Knowing God.
Preaching arrangements – Rory and family will be in South Africa for three Sunday’s during March and April. Preaching arrangements are as follows:
> Mr. Jeff Townend (Faith Mission) 31.03.24
> Rev. Donald Morrison (Retired) 07.04.24
> Rev. Dr. John Ross (Retired) 14.04.24
Notices – If you would like something included in the notices, please email fortrosefreechurch@gmail.com by 9pm on a Thursday to guarantee inclusion in that week’s notices.
Mailing List – If you would like to be included on our mailing list, either postal and/or email, please email your details to fortrosefreechurch@gmail.com.
Easyfundraising – If you shop online there is an easy way for you to raise funds for the church. How, you ask? Through Easyfundraising. With #easyfundraising, you’ll raise FREE donations with your everyday shopping. It’s quick and easy to sign up! https://www.easyfundraising.org.uk/causes/fortrosefreech/?invite=ETTU2R%26referral-campaign=c2s%26utm_campaign=admin-trigger%26utm_content=srt