There will be Tea/Coffee served from the kitchen hatch after the morning service. All welcome.
Prayer meeting – There will be a time of prayer at 5.20pm.
Our Praise Evening, Jesus is Alive, is set for 23rd March at 6pm. Lord willing, it will be a God-glorifying evening of worshipping Him in word and song. We welcome back Highland Harvest, New Song Women, the Highland Gospel Male Voice Choir, Shona MacDonald and our new guests, the Takavada Family from Zimbabwe – and of course Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual Songs lifted up from the whole congregation. We look forward to an edifying Gospel message from Rev. Rory Stott, speaking on our risen Lord. Invite a friend and stay for tea and treats afterwards. To God Be the Glory.
Summer holiday club – We are considering running a holiday club for primary school children in the summer. Please pray about this as we assess whether it is something we can do. We need to get an indication about who might be able to help with this. We realise this is difficult to do given there are no dates yet but this is just a rough guide. Please indicate on the signup sheet at the door whether you might be able to give up some of your time.
Men’s discussion group – A monthly discussion group alternating between discussion on a book of our choice and Christian doctrine. The first meeting will be on Tuesday 26th of March at 7:30pm at Jason Ross’s house in Tore. At that meeting we will begin a study on the Westminster Confession of faith, which is a summary of the Bible’s teaching used by many reformed churches. The first meeting will be an introduction to the confession and will not require those attending to prepare. We will also select a book which will be read over the following weeks to be discussed at a later meeting. Meetings will be scheduled for the 4th Tuesday of each month. If anyone has any questions, wants directions
or to share a lift, please speak to Niall Lipp.
Youth lunch – March 24th at Willie & Rona’s. All P6-S6 welcome.
Marmalade Thank You – Thank you very much to everyone who bought Margaret’s marmalade – Fortrose FC raised £357, all
of which will go towards supporting the Youth Camps.
Community Groups 3rd April – The Countryside group will meet at Willie and Rona’s and the Town group will meet at Dave
and Sally’s. Study 3, Jesus, God with us, will be discussed. New bible study books have been purchased and can be collected
at the church door.
Preaching arrangements – Rory and family will be in South Africa for three Sunday’s during March and April. Preaching
arrangements are as follows:
Mr. Jeff Townend (Faith Mission) 31.03.24
Rev. Donald Morrison (Retired) 07.04.24
Rev. Finlay Mackenzie 14.04.24 (unfortunately Rev. Dr. John Ross has had to cancel)
Damaris House – We have received a plea via Morven and Geoff Hulks, who spoke at our quiz evening, from Argyris and Dina
of Damaris House which many of you have already supported so generously. Due to rising costs, the work is facing a shortfall of approximately £2650 every month. They ask that if you have a heart for this is work that you consider a regular donation through the organisation Stewardship which teams up with TrustBridgeGlobal. They give gift aid on any donations made. Here is the link:
Information on the work of Damaris House is available here:
Easter Holiday Club – The Faith Mission are running an Easter holiday club in The Victoria Hall, Cromarty for primary aged
children. It will run from Tuesday 9th-Friday 12th April 10-11.30am. Please see the poster/screen notices for further information.
Notices – If you would like something included in the notices, please email by 9pm on a
Thursday to guarantee inclusion in that week’s notices.
Mailing List – If you would like to be included on our mailing list, either postal and/or email, please email your details to
Easyfundraising – If you shop online there is an easy way for you to raise funds for the church. How, you ask? Through
Easyfundraising. With #easyfundraising, you’ll raise FREE donations with your everyday shopping. It’s quick and easy to sign