There will be a cup of tea/coffee in the hall after the morning service. All welcome.

We have our monthly bring and share lunch after the teas & coffees. Please feel free to join us, all welcome.

Evening Prayer – A time of prayer will be held before the evening service at 5.20 pm. All welcome.

Congregational BBQ – We are planning to have a Congregational BBQ on July 8th. Please pop the date into your diaries.

Free Church Youth Camps – There will be a presentation during the service about camps and a fundraiser opened for Renfrew Kids – the camp Fortrose FC have adopted. Alasdair L is going as a leader and Lewis as a camper. We look forward to hearing all about Camps & are delighted to be able to adopt Renfrew Kids.

We plan to have a BBQ for the church youth on Saturday 17th June. All youth, as well as the younger
children, and their families are very welcome! Dave and Sally’s house @ 4pm on Saturday 17th June. This will be the last youth meeting before the summer holidays! Please continue to pray for the youth of the church, that they would grow in a deeper understanding of the hope that we have in Christ.

AV Volunteers Needed – If you would like to learn how to work our AV system please get in touch. It is a simple to use system and we would greatly value your help. Training will be provided.

Notices – If you would like something included in the notices please email by 9pm on a Thursday to guarantee inclusion in that week’s notices.

Mailing List – If you would like to be included on our mailing list, either postal and/or email, please email your
details to

Easyfundraising – If you shop online there is an easy way for you to raise funds for the church. How, you ask? Through Easyfundraising. With #easyfundraising, you’ll raise FREE donations with your everyday shopping. It’s quick and easy to sign up!