We are part of the Free Church of Scotland with members drawn from a variety of backgrounds. We hope you feel welcome among us, whether you’re a Christian looking for a church , or just exploring the Christian faith.

For those interested in who the Free Church are, in general terms the Free Church is a church denomination that is Confessional, Complementarian and Christological. This means that we follow the Westminster Confession of Faith as our subordinate standard to the bible, which we believe is our only rule for faith and life. 

Our churches are led by male leadership and we believe that Jesus Christ is the answer to all that is wrong in the world. 

At the heart of what we believe is the good news that all who trust in Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord have the promise of a new start and of eternal life in heaven.

A brief history of Fortrose Free Church

in 1843 the Free Church of Scotland came out of the Established Church because of the interference of the state on the spiritual affairs of the church.

In 1843 Rev. Simon Fraser became the first Free Church minister of Fortrose.

The old church building went up in 1910 – at a cost of £562! Amalgamation with Killearnan took place in 1950 and saw the successive ministries of Revs. R.J. Murray, Hugh G. MacKay and Hector Cameron.

In 1990, Fortrose and Killearnan became separate congregations and were given the right to call their own ministers. The first minister in Fortrose, Rev. Calum MacLennan, was inducted in April 1991, followed by Rev. Sandy Sutherland in 2002 and the present minister Rev. Rory Stott in 2020.

The old church building was demolished in 2017 and the new church building opened on 24th August 2019.