There will be Tea/Coffee served from the kitchen hatch after the morning service. All welcome.

Prayer meeting – There will be a time of prayer at 5.20pm.

Pulpit Swap – We welcome Rev. Calum Iain Macleod to our pulpit this evening.

CD’s of the Fortrose Praise Evening have been produced to further raise funds for the building fund. They are £5 each, or whatever amount you would like to give, and are available on the table in the fellowship hall.

The Inverness Festival of Male Voice Praise will take place on 1st June at 7pm at Inshes East Church. Choirs from Scotland and Northern Ireland will join in song to present the Gospel, along with a message from Rev. Kenny Ross with special musical guests, the Takavada Family from Zimbabwe. Entrance is free and all are welcome.

Donations gratefully receive for Maggie’s Highland. Any further info. needed see Donnie Cumming or Eileen Mackintosh

Community groups: Just a reminder that our community groups will be meeting on Wednesday the 5th of June. Venues will be confirmed next week.

Mission collection: Paul and Elizabeth Davis were with us on Wednesday night, telling us about their fascinating gospel work in the Kenyan rift valley. Should anyone want to support this work financially you can place a contribution in the collection plate and mark it for Paul and Elizabeth.

Congregational bring & share lunch on June 9th: The lunch for June will be the second Sunday and not the first, as it normally is. We will be welcoming Jordon Fitch, an American seminary student and his family. Jordan will preach in the morning and speak about how he became a Christian over lunch.

Date for the diary:  Mission meeting 19th June: A representative from Mission Aviation Fellowship will speak about the work of MAF.#

There will be a Quiche and Pudding Ladies Fellowship Lunch on Sunday 23rd June, after the morning service. All ladies aged from 5-100 are warmly invited to stay!

We will also open a fundraiser to buy a Christian book or two and possibly a treat for our 24 campers at the Renfrew Girls Camp, 13-20th July, which Emma is leading (with her friend Hazel), Leah Hershberger is attending as a camper and which Fortrose FC have adopted this summer.

We will have a time of fellowship during lunch so the “older can teach the younger” like in Titus 2 v 4&5.

There is a sign-up sheet and a bring sheet on the table at the front door.

All ladies are very welcome to join in. We have such a wealth of Christian experience among the ladies in our congregation and are looking forward to some of this godly wisdom being passed on and our friendships with one another being deepened. Any questions? Please talk to Emma.

Notices – If you would like something included in the notices, please email by 9pm on a Thursday to guarantee inclusion in that week’s notices.

Mailing List – If you would like to be included on our mailing list, either postal and/or email, please email your details to

Easyfundraising – If you shop online there is an easy way for you to raise funds for the church. How, you ask? Through Easyfundraising. With #easyfundraising, you’ll raise FREE donations with your everyday shopping. It’s quick and easy to sign up!